Why Dr. Hussein Mwinyi is the Right Choice.
On 17th June, 2020, Minister of Defence, Dr. Hussein Ali Mwinyi declared his intentions to seek the presidency of Zanzibar. For those of us who are avid followers of politics it was expected, it would have almost seemed like a waste of talent and potential if he had not thrown his name in the hat and contested for the post. Whether or not he becomes president is up for CCM first and then the people of Zanzibar to decide. But, here is my argument on why CCM should hand him the party baton and why Zanzibaris should elect him.
First and foremost let us examine the man's resume. Born on 23 December, 1966, Hussein Mwinyi has a medical doctor degree from Marmana University and an M.A. in International Medicine from Hammersmith University. He practiced medicine at Muhimbili National Hospital between 1997 and 1998 and lectured at Hubert Kairuki Memorial Hospital between 1999 and 2000. Zanzibar has been known to produce great leaders from the medical field. From Dr. Omar Ali Juma, to Dr. Ghalib Bilal, to Dr. Mohammed Shein, and Dr. Hussein Mwinyi is just a continuation of that legacy.
At just 53 years of age, Dr. Hussein Mwinyi has been a member of parliament for the past 20 years and a cabinet minister for as long. He has served as deputy minister of health, minister of state in the Vice President's office- Union affairs, and minister of defence and national service from 2010 to date. From the get go Hussein Mwinyi has been entrusted with ministries which are sensitive to the well being of Tanzanians and the state. To be entrusted with a sensitive ministry such as that of defence for 10 years through two administrations is a testament to Dr. Hussein Mwinyi's hardwork, intelligence and the faith the state has on him to work in the best interest of the country.
It is thus clear that Dr. Hussein Mwinyi has the educational and political background to hold the highest public office in Zanzibar. His political astuteness and experience will provide the people of Zanzibar with a president who will need no on the job training and will be ready from day one to carry out the duties of his office. However, I believe his presidency will not only be a valuable asset for the people of Zanzibar but for Tanzania as a whole. The president of Zanzibar is by de facto one of the closest advisors to the president of the United Republic of Tanzania and what comfort that will be to have a humble, thoughtful and intelligent man in the ears of the president advising him on Union matters.
We all know the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar has had its ups and downs. Dr. Hussein Mwinyi comes from a legacy which has sort to maintain and strengthen the Union from the time of his father where in 1993 the state of the Union was a topic of hot debate. There is no doubt in my mind that Dr. Mwinyi is more than able and capable of maintaining peace and stability and continued economic growth to Zanzibar while strengthening the political, social and economic bond the people of Zanzibar share with those of Tangayika.
With that said, I support whole heartedly the candidacy of Dr. Hussein Mwinyi. Dr. Mwinyi is ready and his credentials are undeniable. What has impressed me most about him is his willing to bide his time and gain the necessary experience required. He took no shortcuts and has never overplayed his relationship to his father, the former president of Zanzibar and second president of Tanzania. Everytime you see him in public he has a stateman's demeanor and looks and sounds presidential. I am looking forward to his nomination and his election as president and I declare publically that I support him whole heartedly.
Thomas J. Kibwana