Who Is Thomas Kibwana?
It's very hard for someone to write about themselves. Usually what one writes about themselves is their opinion of who they are but might not reflect what they project externally. With that being said I will do my best to give an objective assessment of myself.
I am many things to many people. To some I may be the most kind hearted human being to ever walk the earth, to others I may be a selfish self absorbed individual. To some I may be a driven, passionate high achieving individual and to others I may just be a product of luck. Whatever you think of me you might be right depending on at what point of my life or at what state of my life you interacted with me.
With that being said, I consider myself multi-faceted rather than one dimensional and thus it may be difficult to pin me into a specific box.
So who is Thomas Kibwana?
First of all, I am passionate about politics and government. I believe that we cannot escape politics even when we think we are not involved in politics. Politics runs every aspect of the human experience. I believe in embracing politics and not using it as a dirty word. I believe politics is a force for good and in whatever sphere of work you are in you have to engage in it in order to impact the larger community.
This philosophy leads many people to believe I harbor political ambitions but on the contrary I am just a guy who loves my country and my people. I understand that the success of our political leaders equates to the success of the people as a whole and vice versa is true.
Secondly, I am a salesperson at heart. My academic background is international relations but life glided me gently towards a career in sales and I have enjoyed every moment of it.
You see, sales has taught me everything I need to know to succeed in life: soft skills, personal branding, emotional quotient, negotiation, empathy, managing people and situations and most importantly taking a lead.
I would like to elaborate taking a lead which is the most important lesson I can offer anyone. Life has a simple fact, if you are not leading you are following and if you are following you will go wherever the leader takes you. You need to take the lead on your career, take the lead on your relationships, take the lead on your dreams, because being a leader is not a title, being a leader is putting every situation in your own hands as much as possible. Trust that there is no one better to take care of you than you yourself.
Third, I believe in people development. I go out of my way to ensure I elevate those around me so that they can reach their full potential. I respect those who have more than me be it in intelligence, experience or wealth because there is no other way I can improve and maximize my potential without such people around.
I can tolerate a person not having much but I can never tolerate a lack of ambition and drive. I want people to have a passion for changing their lives and creating a better future for themselves. This does not mean that everyone should strive to become rich, powerful or famous but rather people should always work towards improving the conditions they find themselves in.
Fourth, which is similar to my second point, I believe in growing with other people especially friends. I want all my friends to win in whatever they choose to pursue and I always strive to be there for my friends to encourage them, inspire them and to give them hope.
Fifth, I am highly ambitious. I have dreams bigger than my body mass. I don't know if I will ever get to fulfill all my dreams but best believe I will die knowing that I left no stone unturned.
What gets me up in the morning is a desire to see that I secure the future of my children and those that are dependent on me. I may not get to complete the house but I will make sure that I lay the foundation for those who are to follow me to succeed.
Last but not least I am emotional being. I have a soft spot for people. I have been let down plenty of times by people but it has never stopped me from offering the clothes from my back to people I feel need my help. It gives me great satisfaction to offer my assistance to someone who needs it and that will never change about me.
My message is simple. Let us all strive to be our authentic selves. It is the great poet Oscar Wilde who said, Be yourself; everyone else is taken. I believe the best way to be happy with your success is by achieving your goals and ambitions by remaining true to yourself.
Let us all go out into the world and go after what we want without shame or apology. You only get one life so make sure you make it count.