Thomas Joel Kibwana
2 min readJul 19, 2020

The Emancipation of Magufuli

Oxford dictionary describes emancipation as the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation. Indeed Magufuli has been politically emancipated since the day he took office because he came into power owing no favours to anyone. And this has irked some of the political and corprorate elite who have had nothing to hold against him.

Magufuli has broken most of the political norms which were outdated and needed to be broken. He has refused to be politically correct and ponder to people and instead decided to be a straight talker. He has told us what we needed to hear but were never comfortable hearing. The country could not go on as it was and painful and drastic measures needed to be taken.

He boasts one of the smallest cabinets with 18 ministries. In contrasts, during the second term of the 4th phase government there were 26 ministries with some having two deputy ministers. The size of the cabinet is seldomly talked about.

He has elevated fresh faces and young people to different posts as presidential appointees. During his time we have seen fewer of the old guard who had served in high ranking government posts since Nyerere or Mwinyi’s time.

For as much as the opposition have criticized him for not reaching out to the other side, he has appointed opposition leaders to government post such as Anna Mghwira as Regional Commisioner and Augustine Mrema as Parole Board Chairman. He has also welcomed a record number of opposition MPs to CCM and even promoted some to cabinet posts.

Magufuli's style has been unorthodox to say the very least, at least from what we had been accustomed to. He actually does what he says he will do. He promised to rebuild the railway system and he has. He promissed to rebuiled ATCL and he has. He promised to move the capital to Dodoma and he has. He promised to reduce graft and corruption in the government and he has. ALL the above were promises we had gotten accostumed to hearing BUT never had they been achieved.

He has also emancipated the political process. We have seen a record number of candidates vying for parliament and councellor sits through CCM, especially young people. This is because many now feel that politics is no longer for the rich and famous and that if you have a true desire to serve the people the door is open to you.

Hate him or love him, Magufuli has changed the political landscape in Tanzania for the better and these changes will only be felt long after he has retired. The opposition have failed to reconcile between their feelings towards Magufuli the man and the opinion of voters, are majority of whom have welcomed the changes and reforms Magufuli has introduced.

Thomas J. Kibwana.

Thomas Joel Kibwana
Thomas Joel Kibwana

Written by Thomas Joel Kibwana

Political enthusiast. International Relations graduate. A fan of everything Tanzania.

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