Farewell Magufuli. Karibu Samia Suluhu.
It has taken me a while to write on President Magufuli’s passing, not because I had nothing to say but because I had too much to say. When writing in such times, it is usually best to write just enough.
It is no secret that the late president was a polarizing figure. There are those who loved him and there are those who equally hated him. One thing that is undeniable is that he has left his mark in the annals of Tanzanian history. His was the shortest presidency but its consequentialness can only be matched and surpassed by that of the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.
While announcing his death, then Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan informed us that he had battled with a heart condition for the past ten years. A newspaper article emerged from the early 90s that could indicate that he had a life long heart complication which first emerged in his 30s.
I mention this just to make sense of Magufuli’s leadership style. Could it be that he always knew that he was living on borrowed time and had to do as much as he can in whatever time he had? Could this be why he had no tolerance for patience and sometimes circumvented constitutional and legal barriers in order to push his agenda? Surely for a man in his condition he must have known that the possibility of not completing two full terms was real.
This may also help to explain why then that a man who was viewed as a strongman leader refused countless times the call to change the Consitution in order to rid of presidential term limits. He must have found it amusing that some were going to great length to make him a lifelong president and yet somehow that was achieved without having ever changed the Constitution.
His legacy is up for political pandits to debate. However there is no doubt in just a few years he was able to remove the “Unajua mimi ni nani?” crowd, brought back discipline among civil servants and political appointees, and had a clear and forward agenda for the nation. It is now imparative that we take the good he had started and ensure we build on it.
Now comes Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan, the sixth and first female president of the United Republic of Tanzania. She ascends to the presidency at the toughest of circumstances because she now takes over the country not having run for the position and maybe not having had any presidential aspirations at all, or at the very least not expecting to be president so soon.
I have no doubt that having been a vice president for over five years that she is more than able and capable to take over the top job. In deed she is the most qualified person to ever become president as also the first former vice president to serve as Commander-in-Chief.
As a citizen I sincerely wish her all the best because her success is now the success of nearly 60 million Tanzanians. I hope she does not see the need to be Magufuli 2.0 but rather take only the good deeds of the past regime and move forward with her own agenda for Tanzania.
I am very sure that the moment it became clear she will be the next leader of the nation there has been pleanty of people in her ear either whispering or even shouting to her what they think she should do. I hope she sets aside some alone time, if a president can ever find some, in order to reflect on what she wants for Tanzania. Soon after she should reshuffle both the government and the party in order to surround herself with the best and most qualified people. This is not extreme and every incoming president has done so.
She should also be willing and open to recieve constructive criticism. She need not take all advice but she should be willing to listen. Politics tend to be personal because they affect people personally hence not all who will challenge her will mean her or the nation harm.
I would hate to be in her shoes but I am glad it is she who has taken over the reigns of power at this critical time. Even though she takes over due to the death of her predecessor she should leave no doubt that this is indeed the six phase administration and not a continuation of the previous administration. She owes herself at least that much.
With that said, I offer my deepest condolences to the family of the late president, his family and loved ones, the government and party and to all citizens. Indeed everything happens for a reason and my prayers are with those tasked to move the country forward during this time. Good bye Magufuli, karibu Samia Suluhu. As the saying goes, what a time to be alive! Mungu ibariki Tanzania!
Thomas Joel Kibwana