Five Lessons Learned On My 34 Years On Earth
As I celebrate my birthday today, I felt compelled to write about a few things I have learned in my life. These lessons are purely from my perspective and they are born from my life experiences.
1. Buy exposure at all cost:
In the context of life experience, exposure refers to the breadth and depth of one's experiences. It can include things like travel, education, work, relationships, and hobbies. The more exposure one has, the more well-rounded and knowledgeable they are likely to be.
Exposure will help broaden your views of the world instead of limiting it to a narrow point of view. Exposure will open you up to new avenues in life. But most importantly, exposure will help you take advantage of your environment and help you rise up from any circumstances.
2. Don't buy enemies, they come for free:
In life there will always be forces working against you whether you are privy to it or not. While living your life try your best to not intentionally create enemies for yourself. As strong as your faith may be and as strong as your belief in yourself may be, the more enemies you are the more likely your downfall will be.
3. Ambition is priceless, it is the cost of success:
Never let anyone tell you ambition is a dirty word. We were all brought on this earth to achieve a person, ambition is the burning desire inside pushing you to bring out the best of yourself to the world.
The world will always benefit from what you have to offer. Never think that someone else's ambitions are more valid than yours. Whatever it is inside of you begging to be freed to the world let it out through hard work, determination and some calculated moves.
4. Never be afraid to make change:
As human beings, we are creatures of habit and comfort. We avoid the unnecessary and the uncomfortable. Well as they say, "Success lies beyond your comfort zone."
Allow yourself to outgrow people. Allow yourself to outgrow situations. And most importantly, allow yourself to outgrow your present self.
If something is no longer working for you or no longer serves your purpose never be afraid or ashamed to take the bold step of removing yourself. Explore as much as possible until you find what it is that you are looking for.
5. Live. Laugh. Love:
I know this may sound like a cliche but do live, laugh and love. Life is too short. None of us know the life that awaits is after we die but what is certain is that whatever lies ahead will be nothing like being alive on earth.
You have one life to live. Make it count. Elbert Hubbard once wrote that "Most men die at 25 but are buried at 75". The saying suggests that most men stop living their lives to the fullest after they reach the age of 25. They may become complacent and settle into a routine, no longer taking risks or pursuing their dreams. They may also become more concerned with material possessions and status than with living a meaningful life.
Enjoy your life. Laugh as hard as you can. Love as much as you can. This world is not our own but we can make it a home sweet home for as long as we are here.