Few will love you. Many will resent you. Most will respect you.
"The goal is not to be liked, it’s to be respected."- Unknown
The single most dangerous barrier to success is the insentiable desire to be liked by everyone. As human beings we would all like to be loved. It is a great feeling. It is an ego booster. Unfortunately it is also crippling.
When your desire to be loved is great, your ability to lead and make the right decisions for yourself is greatly reduced. A fool is loved because they always do what's best for others but never what's best for themselves.
Success requires making tough decisions and more times then not making the unpopular decisions. This will win you very few admirers but it will gain you success and subsequently respect.
You see, success comes with resentment. Resentment is that feeling that burns inside a person who believes they deserve to be where you are more than you do. This is why few successful people are ever liked especially around unsuccessful people.
At the end of the day those who love you will love you for no reason. Those who resent you will resent you for no reason. But those who respect you do so because of your actions that have left them no choice but to give you the reepect you are due.
To sum it up I will quote Eli Broad, American billionaire and philanthropist who once said, " I would rather be respected than loved."